5 Extremely Cool Ideas to Help You Make a Travel Journal

Travel Ideas


When Writing is Not Your Thing, Make a Scrapbook
Going to Japan? Or Europe? Theme your scrapbook likewise. Design your cover page. Find colors peculiar to that specific country. Make special sections in your scrapbook for different things. Stick envelopes inside to store your souvenirs until you stick them. Collect souvenirs such as travel tickets, business cards, small paper menus from restaurants, bars, cut-offs from the local newspaper, etc., and stick them in the scrapbook. Incorporate the souvenirs into the design of the scrapbook.
Take photos. Photos can help bring back memories of the places you’ve roamed, the people you’ve met, and the different things you saw while traveling. You can caption them. Write something about the photos and what they are all about. While you are it, if you make a new friend, click his photo too, and take down his contact details to write along with the photo.
Best of Both Worlds
There is no restriction that you make a scrapbook only, or paste only photos while making a travel journal. You can make it a mixture of both. Stick souvenirs and photos as and when you can. Create a page with only the photos that you’ve clicked. Create a front page of the journal with extra photos or souvenirs which you don’t want to part with.
Lights, Camera, Digital Diary
If you are into filming and want to channel your inner director, make a digital diary; film anything and everything that catches your fancy, so that you don’t miss out on that perfect moment.
Old Style
You can write while sitting in a cafe or on a park bench. Write all the important dates, events, small things that charmed you, something about the culture, history of the city, etc. Write what you did all day, and how you felt. Record them as they happen, like a personal diary! But don’t don’t go on writing minute-to-minute details of what you did. “I got up, washed my face…” Erm, no. Chatting up with the locals can be extremely informative.


Hi, I'm Eric. Welcome to my blog!

I've been traveling since I was 18, and it's my life and passion. First, I traveled around the US, and then I ventured all over the globe. After all these years, I have learned a thing or two. I can tell you the best places to travel, the best times and what to do once you get there.

In this blog, I've compiled a list of articles that helped me with tips and advice on traveling.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.


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